Immune System Support

IV package is designed to support your immune system with helpful vitamins, nutrients and some bonus hydration. 

Even if you’re feeling perfectly healthy, our immune-boosting IV can help you stay one step ahead

Body fluids (blood) provides oxygen and nutrients to your skin’s surface helping to strengthen the barrier function of the skin. IV fluid will provide the necessary hydration to bring fluid back to your skin preventing and treating chapped, flaky, and/or scaly dry skin.  


Even if you’re feeling perfectly healthy, our immune-boosting IV can help you stay one step ahead

Our packages contain: 
IV Fluid

Replenish your body with hydrating fluids to strengthen your immune system.

Vitamin B Complex

B vitamins give you an energy kick and ramp up the growth of immune cells in the face of an infection.

Vitamin B12

Known as an immunomodulator, vitamin B12 can help increase the number of white blood cells in your body.

Vitamin C

As one of your body’s biggest immune system boosters, vitamin C helps you ward off inflammation and infection.


This anti-inflammatory molecule keeps you from getting sick, and also helps alleviate any aches and pains.


Thought to slow virus replication, zinc can help your white blood cells function and prevent you from catching a bug.

Together with Zinc, Vitamin C is the most important virus preventing and fighting nutrients we offer

The Immune MAX gives you our best Immune system IV with our highest possible dose of Vitamin C! The Immune MAX IV.